South Bunbury Marketplace Competition Terms and Conditions.

1.     Neighbourhood Retail Pty Ltd (ACN 640 574 107) (South Bunbury Marketplace) is conducting a Win Rump Steak for a Whole Year Competition (the Competition).

2.     By entering the Competition, you (Entrant) warrant that you meet all eligibility requirements and accept these Terms and Conditions.

3.     South Bunbury Marketplace reserves the right in its absolute discretion to refuse to award the Prize to any Entrant for any reason whatsoever, including if the Entrant fails to comply with any of these Terms and Conditions.

4.     South Bunbury Marketplace’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

5.     Entry into the Competition is free.

6.     The Competition is open to Australian residents aged 18 years or older residing in Western Australia.

7.     The Competition is open to all eligible persons except employees, officers, contractors, agents, promotional staff or advisors of South Bunbury Marketplace or any tenant of South Bunbury Marketplace Shopping Centre, or their respective immediate families.

8.     South Bunbury Marketplace may request an Entrant to provide reasonable documentation which establishes an Entrant’s eligibility to enter the Competition including, without limitation, an Entrant’s identity, age and place of residence.

9.     Entries which contain incorrect contact details shall be deemed invalid.

Competition Period

10.  The Competition will commence at 08h00 on Saturday 24 October 2020 and will close at 19h00 on Saturday 24 October 2020.

11.  Any entry received before the commencement, or after the expiry of the Competition period will be deemed invalid.

12.  South Bunbury Marketplace will not accept responsibility for late, lost, delayed or misdirected entries. 

How to enter

13.  To enter the Competition, an eligible person must complete the short Competition entry form found in store, make a purchase in store exceeding Twenty Dollars ($20.00) and receive a receipt evidencing such purchase (Proof of Purchase).

14.  The short Competition entry forms will be distributed at the checkout points located in the South Bunbury Marketplace.

15.  The eligible person must deliver the Proof of Purchase and complete a short Competition entry form at the checkout point.  

16.  An eligible person may only submit one Competition entry form.


17.  The Prize shall be a maximum of one (1) kilogram of rump steak per week per winner for a period of 52 consecutive weeks.

18.  South Bunbury Marketplace is not responsible for any additional costs associated with the collection of the Prize.

19.  The Prize, or any unused portion of the prize is non-refundable, non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash. The Prize must be taken as offered and cannot be varied by a winner.

20.  A winner must personally claim the prize each week for 52 consecutive weeks.

21.  If the Prize is unavailable for whatever reason, South Bunbury Marketplace reserves the right to substitute the Prize for a prize of their choice.

22.  If a winner for any reason whatsoever does not claim a Prize (or a portion or element of a Prize) by the time stipulated by South Bunbury Marketplace, then the Prize (or that portion or element of the Prize) will be forfeited.

23.  The prize and collection thereof may be changed at any time and at the sole discretion of South Bunbury Marketplace.


24.  The ten (10) winning Entrants (Winners) will be drawn on 26 October 2020 at 7h00 by a representative of South Bunbury Marketplace and will be notified by telephone shortly thereafter.

25.  The name of the Winners may be announced and posted on the South Bunbury Marketplace Facebook page and other media platforms.

26.  If, despite all reasonable attempts, the Winner cannot be notified or South Bunbury Marketplace has not had any return communication from the Winner within 3 days of such notification, the Winner will no longer be entitled to the Prize and South Bunbury Marketplace may select a replacement winner at a time determined by South Bunbury Marketplace (Replacement Winner).

27.  In such case, the Replacement Winner will be entitled to the Prize and the Replacement Winner is deemed a Winner for the purposes of these Terms and Conditions.

28.  The Winner will be required to produce photographic proof of identity to collect the Prize.

29.  All costs, associated with collecting the Prize are the sole responsibility of the Winner and will not, under any circumstances, be compensated by South Bunbury Marketplace. For the avoidance of doubt, costs include, without limitation, travel and parking.

30.  If a Prize is not collected by a Winner or Replacement Winner within 3 days of any communication purporting to accept the Prize, the Winner or Replacement Winner will forfeit the Prize. Subject to any statutory requirements, South Bunbury Marketplace reserves the right to award the Prize to another Entrant in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the Competition.


31.  By entering the Competition, each Entrant acknowledges and agrees that South Bunbury Marketplace collects personal information about Entrants for the purposes of: 

(a)   including Entrants in the Competition and, where appropriate, awarding Prizes; if the personal information requested is not provided, the Entrant may not participate in the Competition; and

(b)   enabling South Bunbury Marketplace to use the information to assist South Bunbury Marketplace in improving goods and services and to contact the Entrant in the future with information on special offers or provide Entrants with marketing materials via any medium including mail, telephone and commercial electronic messages (SMS (Short Message Service), MMS (Multimedia Message Service), IM (Instant Messaging) and email) or any other form of electronic, emerging, digital or conventional communications channel whether existing now or in the future. South Bunbury Marketplace may share information with its Australian related companies or any other third party who may contact the Entrant with special offers in this way. By entering the Competition, an Entrant agrees that South Bunbury Marketplace may use the Entrant's personal information in this manner. Entrants may opt out by clicking on the “unsubscribe" link in the email or as set out in the SMS/MMS.

32.  By entering the Competition, Entrants provide South Bunbury Marketplace with authority to use their name, likeness, image and/or voice (including any photograph, film, and/or recording of same) in any media at any time or times without remuneration for the purposes of promoting the Competition, South Bunbury Marketplace, South Bunbury Marketplace Shopping Centre and/or South Bunbury Marketplace’s (or its related entities) products or services. Further, Winners agree to be photographed and participate in all reasonable promotional activities in relation to the Competition and the winning of the Prize.

Limitation of Liability

33.  To the greatest extent permissible by law, South Bunbury Marketplace (including its related entities) and its respective officers, employees, contractors and agents shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever which is suffered (including, but not limited to, indirect or consequential economic loss) or for personal injury suffered or sustained, as a result of the Competition or in connection with the Prize.

34.  If for any reason this promotion is not capable of running as planned because of infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorised intervention, technical failures or any other causes beyond the control of South Bunbury Marketplace which corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of this promotion, South Bunbury Marketplace reserves the right in its sole discretion to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the promotion subject to any written directions under applicable legislation.

35.  The warranty on any goods and services obtained as a result of the Competition remains the sole responsibility of the manufacturer or supplier of the goods or services as applicable.


36.  Any reference to South Bunbury Marketplace in these Terms and Conditions includes its related entities.

37.  South Bunbury Marketplace reserves the right to suspend, modify or terminate the Competition if the conduct or operation of the Competition is interfered with or disrupted in any way by any cause outside the reasonable control of South Bunbury Marketplace. For the avoidance of doubt, any cause which is outside the reasonable control of South Bunbury Marketplace includes, without limitation, vandalism, power failures, natural disasters, acts of God, civil unrest, strikes, tampering, computer viruses, technical failures or a directive issued by a government authority or a law resulting in South Bunbury Marketplace being closed or shut down.

38.  South Bunbury Marketplace also reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any individual who South Bunbury Marketplace has reason to believe has breached any of these conditions, or engaged in any unlawful or other improper misconduct calculated to jeopardise the fair and proper conduct of the Competition. The legal rights of South Bunbury Marketplace to recover damages or other compensation from such an offender are reserved.

39.  Any decision made by South Bunbury Marketplace in respect of the Competition is final and binding and no correspondence shall be entered into.

40.  Any provision of these Terms and Conditions which is prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction is ineffective as to that jurisdiction to the extent of the prohibition of unenforceability. That does not invalidate the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions nor affect the validity of the provision in any other jurisdiction.

41.  The conduct of the Competition and these Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of Western Australia. By submitting an entry, the Entrant submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Western Australia.